
Enabling PEOPLE &
Organizations CHANGE
to create VALUE

At ValueMined, our vision is to create a value-driven admirable culture where every employee’s true potential and value is mined. With this purpose, we work across all levels in an organization to bridge the gaps and usher in productivity, performance, and profits.

Powered By Analytics, Driven By Passion

Peeling and uncovering layer after layer to unleash all that is unexplored in an individual and organization drives us to authentically impact and inspire change. Our passion lies in our gift, our capabilities, and in leading teams to bring change. 

Driven by heart and backed by knowledge, we believe if you don’t change the way you think or act, you won’t change the outcomes. So, our focus is on managing change and creating value. In the process, we add significance and meaning to the employees’ lives and propel organizations towards smooth transitions and massive growth.

Results That You Will Get

Get past blocks, experience aha moments and achieve the new normal
Paradigm Shifts
Paradigm Shifts
Acquire new perspectives into seemingly unmanageable challenges
Resilience & Growth
Resilience & Growth
Amplify clarity, creativity and confidence with renewed purpose and energy
Engagement at Work
Engagement at Work
Enhance employer branding, stakeholder relationships and team culture
Experience high-performance growth for individuals, teams and organization
Leadership Impact
Leadership Impact
Strengthen decision-making and leadership skills for greater impact


We work closely with ORGANIZATIONS, INDIVIDUALS, as well as EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS to be Future-Ready and Growth-Oriented.



People and Talent Consulting

Capitalise on our strategies for HR policies and processes. Increase productivity with a culture pivoted for growth.

Digital Culture Transformation

Digitalize to be agile. Disruption and emerging trends have compelled the need for a high impact digital leadership mindset.

Employee Experience 360

For a blooming workforce, happy customers, and a successful business, start with augmenting your employee experience.


Transformation & Performance

Enable leaders with emerging behavioural competencies with capability building to thrive in uncertainty and ambiguity.

Wellbeing and Growth

Implement our coaching at scale strategies to help employees cope with challenging times of the pandemic.

Diversity & Inclusion Culture

Invoke commitment and genuine trust by cultivating positive behaviors and attitudes for performance at work.

Our Coaching Interventions have a novel approach. Choose your preferred coaching format.

Coaching 1:1

Specialized & Personalized coaching Program designed for leaders dealing with greater levels of complexity.

Suitable for: Senior managers & above
Coaching duration: 6 to 12 months.

Group Coaching

A program that focuses on supporting Cognitive & Emotional wellbeing of employees, by raising awareness on how to integrate coaching in on-the-spot conversations with employees & in various people processes.

Suitable for: Managers & above

Spot Coaching

A unique on-call Advisory Service where managers may seek support & advice on the go. Expert coaches will be available for advice via phone.

Suitable for: Managers & above

Coaching Cafe

Bite-sized knowledge sharing workshops focused on developing people through coaching practices that improve overall engagement of leaders. 

Suitable for: Managers & above


Leadership Coaching 4.0

Our 4D Leadership Model will redefine your purpose, sharpen your focus, enhance your confidence and create an unbeatable mindset.

Be The Brand

Take you Career Growth to the next level with personalised handholding and effective personal leadership influence.

Popular Coaching Goals

Career Growth, Decoding Purpose, Goal Achievement and Executive Presence

Educational Institutions

Leadership Coaching for School Educations

Increase student achievement through teacher leadership by unlocking the school leaders’ capabilities and enabling them to handle new teaching challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

EI (Emotionally Intelligent) Leadership for Students

Enable your students to anticipate feelings, understand others better, prevent bullying, have positive interactions, and increase academic success by equipping them with skills to be emotionally intelligent.



Competence and Expertise at ValueMined

ValueMined’s Think Tank is a blend of spirited and passionate experts coming from various backgrounds, including Government, Management Consulting, Human Resources, Legal, Psychology, and Design. 

Our highly motivated team has spent decades working across industries, understanding and solving real business and people challenges with an empathetic yet competent approach. 

We work very closely with HR Directors, Talent Management Heads, L&D Leaders, as well as CEOs. Our exposure to working with global clients across industries, like Information Technology, Hospitality, Finance, Manufacturing, Logistics, Education and more, gives us an edge in our area of expertise. 


Ms. Nivedita Chandra

Ms. Nivedita Chandra

View Profile

Dr. S.C. Agarwal

Dr. S.C. Agarwal

View Profile



Ms. Nivedita Chandra

IIM Calcutta Alumni & B.Tech Computer Science. More than 17 years of experience in driving HR Transformation across Global and local organisations. Worked extensively in improving employee experience through technology. Industry experience ranges across Automobile, Manufacturing, Banking, Educational, Technology, and Logistics companies.

Leveraging the synergies of both her consulting and leadership coaching experience, she created ValueMined – A Consulting and Coaching firm to mine hidden value of human and digital potential for organisations and individuals.
After 20 years of a corporate & entrepreneurial journey, her biggest achievement is having worked with people across the 6 continents, learning different cultures, ethics and values. She believes that no matter how different we may seem on the outer, we are all the same at our core.

Dr S.C Agarwal

Former IPS Officer, Phd, TIFR. Dr. Agarwal has been one of the pioneers in India who established the foundation of modern Policing systems and technology in Criminal Justice.  He has worked extensively in Criminal Investigation, Enforcement, and Cyber Crime detection and prevention, modernisation and training of Police force. Dr. Agarwal is one of the first few proponents of Cyber law and IT Act and has over 100 research papers published.  He loves making a difference in people’s lives. Human potential hidden or chained by mindsets, beliefs of self intrigues himand he continues to explore scientific and spiritual ways to unlock it.