
How to create employee ‘wow!' experience using AI in HR Part 1

How to create employee ‘wow!’ experience using AI in HR – Part 1

When companies think about creating employee ‘Wow’ experiences to improve retention and productivity, they should think beyond the usual suspects for change. Creating experience lies in the details most managers overlook or pass off as tradition or process. From creating delightful experiences for employees to making prospective candidates or feel valued – experiences are aligned to organisational values. For an organisation that encourages creativity and efficiency – the question is how creative or efficient is the most mundane process of expense management? 

Another missing piece is quality data. Organisations have implemented best in class technology solutions capable of capturing and driving analytics through vast volumes of data. However, they are still struggling with maintaining the sanctity of data due to lack of process adherence. Those that have data, and hundred of analytics loaded over it, are not quite sure of the questions to ask or biases to avoid. There are several touch-points where organisations can deploy AI applications. Key to AI is data.

Here are some key areas you should consider for your organisation.

Key areas:

1. Candidate Experience – Not just in terms of the the number of emails and information they’ve received – but the tone and behaviour of their first, second, third point of contact in the organisation during the course of the selection process. Turn around time of response and the perceived transparency. While the commanders may be planning well, the battle may be lost if the ground soldiers – the Recruiters and managers show off a ‘couldn’t care less’ approach. Most importantly, what is the average lead time between an offer acceptance and joining. Is there is systematic approach to keep the candidate excited about joining?

2. Know what your employees care for? Time. How can organisations create time for employees – for productive revenue adding work and for family and personal growth. How efficient are the compliance process – Time keeping, expense and travel, Leave and attendance. Most organisations implement system with a very process and compliance driven As-Is approach without out-of-the-box thinking. 

3. Do you really care for Professional growth of your employees? Organisations that invest in building skills of their employees, actually believe in their own vision and invest towards it. However, talent assessment and career growth planing has been one of the most tricky areas. This is largely because of subjectivity of assessment tools and lack of clarity on skillset of career growth. Leverage AI to know your employees – their strengths, skills and goals. This is one areas where most organisations are struggling to gather good quality data. Provide employees ability to assess their skills and develop a learning path for themselves for their career growth in the organisation. Key to this is balancing privacy, ethics and performance evaluation. 

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Ms. Nivedita Chandra

IIM Calcutta Alumni & B.Tech Computer Science. More than 17 years of experience in driving HR Transformation across Global and local organisations. Worked extensively in improving employee experience through technology. Industry experience ranges across Automobile, Manufacturing, Banking, Educational, Technology, and Logistics companies.

Leveraging the synergies of both her consulting and leadership coaching experience, she created ValueMined – A Consulting and Coaching firm to mine hidden value of human and digital potential for organisations and individuals.
After 20 years of a corporate & entrepreneurial journey, her biggest achievement is having worked with people across the 6 continents, learning different cultures, ethics and values. She believes that no matter how different we may seem on the outer, we are all the same at our core.